23 February 2024

Image of Class 1’s Helping Hands

Our new RE question this term is ‘Why is there a cross in the Easter Garden’ and today we were finding out about Lent and why it is important to Christians.  We talked about how Christians might give up some food or activities for Lent and how Lent ends at Easter. We also thought about how during Lent, Christians like to help others and how as a class we are full of incredibly helpful children. We then shared how we help both at home and school.

We decided to make a Helping Hands tree for our class so everyone drew a picture on a hand print to show how they help either their friends or their family and everyone tried really hard to cut out their hand by themselves. 

Mrs Philp then worked hard to create our own Helping hands tree with our fantastic work, which is now up in our classroom for everyone to see. 

Posted by R Heath

Category: Class 1

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