Our School Curriculum

Our school curriculum comprises of all learning and other experiences our pupils experience and participate in.

The school curriculum is the vehicle which provides the contextual framework for the teaching of the National Curriculum Framework.

It is designed to provide pupils with the interpersonal skills, relationship building and social skills which are necessary in order to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in our rapidly changing society. 

Our Curriculum Intent:

Characteristics of an exceptional learner


Creative and Expressive

They are able to seek alternatives to solve problems. They can express their learning in exciting and individual ways. They articulate themselves through high quality vocabulary and clarity of voice. They are individual and know/create their own ideas.

Citizens of the future

Progressive and forward thinking; they are environmentalists who are at one with nature. They critically think about sustainability; their role and influence on their locality and wider world. They understand their role in the wider world community. They are aware of world issues and our environment -caring about its future. They have transferable skills that equip them for the future.

Independent learners

They are able to find the tools they need to succeed in all they do. They have life skills that equip them for the future and their lives today. They are engaged, driven and want to succeed.

Role models and learners

They are not afraid to stand up for their own beliefs and opinions. They are able to influence others and lead by example.


They communicate both orally and in writing to an exceptional standard. They are confident individuals who can communicate to a range of different audiences in a respectful way.

Team Players

 They are collaborative; relishing the opportunity of working within small groups, teams or with other schools. They are tolerant of other people’s ideas, suggestions and advice.

Critical thinkers and problem solvers

They are resilient learners who do not give up when life offers a challenge. They are problem solvers who show perseverance and optimism in their approaches.

Reflective and analytical

They are able to appreciate improvements can be made and are not a sign of failure. They reflect on their understanding and learn from their experiences. They explore their own beliefs and recognize their own worth.


They appreciate and understand technology, utilizing it in their learning to research, showcase and enhance their education. They understand its positive and negative influence on the wider world.

Inquisitive and active learners

They are knowledge seekers. They are explorative in their learning and have a thirst to find out more. They are proactive and active in their desire to learn.

Have a moral compass

They are respectful; they listen to others and show a willingness to accept that everyone is different and diverse. They have empathy; they teach others that God’s love is all that we need and is the basis of the way we communicate in our school family. They are inclusive of children with a tolerance of other beliefs. They break down barriers and stereotypes.


They have healthy minds and healthy bodies. They understand their impact on others. They are happy and positive learners who love learning and the joy that all of school has to offer. They are confident in themselves; and have an understanding of their own abilities. They are confident and happy individuals. They are positive in their self-image and own worth.


We believe that:

  • Assessment is about making decisions on what has been learned and as such, forms an integral part of our curriculum planning.
  • Assessment should promote pupils' progress within and between schools and the assessment processes and standards should be consistent.
  • Children should be involved in self-assessment


Assessments may be:         

  • formative - leading to next steps of learning
  • summative – for reporting to parents and school leaders
  • evaluative – to inform whether teaching programmes and strategies need reviewing etc.

Reporting Attainment and Progress to Pupils and their Parents

The key to talking to a child or their parent about their learning is to focus on the criteria, not a score. This allows for discussion around what has been achieved well and what the next steps for learning are. Discussion with pupils about their learning is most effective when it is based around specific success criteria for the current area of learning.

Phrases that could be used when reporting to parents include:

  • Your child is working within the expected range for their age (followed by examples of particular areas of success and current areas of focus)
  • Your child is working slightly below the expected range (followed by examples of particular areas of success and current areas of focus)
  • Your child has a strong understanding of the concepts taught this year and has been working on extension activities to further develop their problem-solving skills (followed by examples of particular areas of success and current areas of focus)
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