Homework Policy - The Farnley Academy

A piece of English and Maths homework linked to our classwork that week, will be uploaded every Friday. Completing these activities will reinforce our class learning and children who spend time playing the homework games will be rewarded with house points each week. EducationCity log ins are in the front of the childrens diaries. 

Please try to score 80% or higher. If you score lower than 80% have another try or ask an adult for help.


Additional Ideas for Homework:


Activities for Reading

  • At least 10 minutes of daily reading (this should be recorded in homework diaries).  For depth of understanding and increased fluency, we actively encourage you to re-read a book several times, asking questions to check your child's comprehension of what they are reading.

Activities for Spelling

  • Practise your child’s weekly spelling list, which is on our Class 3 spelling page.
  • Practise the Year 3/4 Statutory spelling list, which can also be found on our class spelling page.
  • Practise your child’s weekly spellings both verbally and in written forms.
  • Login to Spelling Shed and play a variety of games to help practise this week's spellings. 

Activities for Maths

Activities for English 


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