About Class 2

Class 2 is made up of Year 1 and 2 pupils and is taught by Miss Rackham with the wonderful Mrs Forrester and Mrs Bater. 

We hope you had a fantastic summer holiday and are ready for a wonderful new learning journey. 

We have lots of new and exciting learning planned this year and can't wait to get started!





Reading in Class 2 is really important.

Please try and listen to your child read every night and note down in their diary which page they read up to. If your child has read 5 times in week, they will be entered into our '5x reader' raffle where they can win a book to take home and keep!

Reading books will be changed weekly if they are brought in with the diary signed by an adult. Weekly, children will bring home a Monster Phonics book linked to their work in guided reading sessions and a reading scheme book matched to their reading level. Children can also choose a library book to take home if you/they wish. We also have an online reading platform called Bug Club (logins can be found in the front of your child's diary) which can also be used if your child has finished their other books. The children are listened to reading in school throughout the week in Guided Reading activities and English tasks.



Spellings are given out on a Friday and pupils will be tested on the following Friday. Spelling lists are allocated weekly in the Monster Phonics Spelling book which will be sent home with your child every Tuesday. Please encourage your child to practise at home, both verbally and in written form.

Spelling scores will be recorded weekly in the Monster Phonics Spelling book. If you would like to support your child further, you will find a list of words that the children are expected to know by the end of KS1 in the back of their homework diaries.


Water Bottles

Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle in school each day. Water bottles will be sent home daily to be washed and should be returned on the following day. 


Labelled Clothing

Please ensure all school clothing (jumpers, trousers, PE kits and shoes) is clearly labelled with both forename and surname. 



PE will take place on a Monday and Thursday each week so please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on these days. Children can leave their PE kits in their lockers for the rest of the week.



Class 2 Documents

Please take a look at Class 2's curriculum web for this year and the knowledge mats used for each foundation subject this term.


Class 2 documents 2024 - 2025


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