Maritime Academy Trust - Featherby Infant and Junior School - Reception  September 2021Welcome to Class 1!

Our Outstanding Early Years Foundation Stage Reception Class is called

Class 1.


Class 1's Early Years team -

Teachers - Mrs Heath and Mrs Philp

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Castell, Mrs Bater and Mrs Elwell



Class Information

Uniform: Please ensure that ALL uniform including PE kits are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Your child will also need to have a bag with a spare change of clothes that can stay in school - just in case!

PE: Class 1 has P.E every Thursday, please ensure your child brings their labelled PE kit to school in their PE bag. These PE kits will stay at school and are sent home every half term.

Snack & Milk: All children are provided with morning toast and milk and an afternoon fruit at snack time free of charge.

Water bottles: Each child should bring a water bottle into school that is clearly named, bottles will be returned home at the end of each day for washing and refilling.

Wellies: Please ensure that your child has a pair of wellies with them in school, which are clearly labelled. These will be kept in school throughout the year, we try to go outside in all weathers in our rain suits!

Readers: Reading books will be changed on a Monday, where your child will receive 2 fully decodable reading books.

Library Books: Library books are chosen and taken home every Monday. Please return each Monday so that your child can visit the library to choose a new recommended read library book.

Diaries: Diaries will be checked every day for messages. They form an important line of communication between home and school, so please let us know any information on the right hand side of the page. It is helpful to write in the diary who will be picking your child up that day so we know who to look for and if it is someone new we can ask for your child’s password.

Spring 2 term



Our topics this term will be - Minibeasts

Please see our Topic Web of intended learning attached below.

We are looking forward to a super term!


The Lost Words Activity Pack – Oxford Poetry Library

Edible Butterfly Life Cycle - Life Cycles - Science Sparks

Class 1 Documents



Phonics Programme for Schools that makes teaching easier - Monster ...

Reception Phonics

Class 1's Reception children learn and develop their phonics skills through the phonics scheme Monster Phonics!

Monster Phonics is a fun, exciting, multi-sensory approach to teaching phonics. It uses a range of engaging songs, rhymes, videos, games, stories and activities to teach phonics. The children will develop their reading and writing skills through lots of hands on activities, both indoors and outdoors! 

Across the year, the Reception children will learn the alphabet sounds s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o,c,k,ck,e,u,r,b,h,f,ff,l,ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu. They will also learn the digraph (two letter sounds) and trigraph (three letter sounds) sounds ch, sh, th, th, ng, oo (long sound), ow, oa, ar, ur, air, ear, ure, ai, ee, oo and igh. 

The children will learn and become more confident at sounding out and blending (decoding) to read simple words, high frequency words, tricky words and sentences with these sounds in. We will also work hard on developing our letter formation and using our phonics skills to spell and write simple words (segmenting). 

Click here to meet the Monsters and to learn the Monster actions! 

Click here to learn the sounds and each action!

You can find out more about Monster Phonics through visiting their website or by visiting their Facebook page.

Year 1 Home Learning | Monster Phonics  

Phase 2 Tricky Words | Monster Phonics Monster Phonics on Twitter: "Visit our latest blog to download ...


Reading for Pleasure

We believe that it is important to encourage everyone to develop a 'Life-long Love of Reading'.

Children will have opportunities throughout the week to 'read for pleasure' and have access to a cosy and inviting reading corner in our classroom freely throughout the day where they can snuggle up with a cuddly teddy and book. The children will have opportunities to bring in books from home or borrow a book from the library. We have a large selection of books that are Recommended Reads for children in Reception, each week your child will visit the library to choose one of these books to take home to read and return each week for a new exciting book. Our challenge is to read all of these recommended reads by the end of Reception!

Below are a list of Recommended Reads for Reception and Year 1.

Reception Recommended Reads


Class 1 Reading Spine

Starting School

Starting School

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