Welcome to Class 3!

Class 3 is made up of Year 3 and Year 4 and are led by Mrs Walmsley, Mrs Hayward and Mrs Grant!

Through vibrant and interesting topics, they improve their basic skills as pupils become more independent and confident learners building their learning power through resilience, reflectiveness, resourcefulness and relationships.

Homework - Homework is uploaded to Education City on a Friday and is expected in the following Friday.

Spelling - Spellings are given out on a Tuesday and pupils will be tested on the following Tuesday.

Water Bottle - Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle in school with them every day.

Labelled Clothing Please ensure your child's school clothing (jumpers, trousers, PE kits and shoes) are clearly labelled with their forename and surname. 

PE Please ensure your child's has an Anson PE top in their house colour and PE shorts. PE will take place every Tuesday and Friday so please make sure that your child brings in their kit at the beginning of the week. Swimming will take place in the Summer Term for Year 4. 


The overview for this Year is shown below. 

Class 3 Long term overview 2024-25

These are our Topic mats to show curriculum coverage.

Autumn Term: 


Class 3 Knowledge mats Autumn term

Spring Term:

Spring Knowledge Mats Class 3

These are the recommended read lists for each Year group: 

Year 3 Recommended Reads

Year 4 Recommended Reads

Class 3 Reading information


We would like to make you aware that all Year 4 children will have their multiplication skills formally tested in the summer term of Year 4. 

Under the current National Curriculum, children are expected to know their times tables up to 12x12, by the end of Year 4. Children will be tested using an on-screen check (on a computer or a tablet), where they will have to answer multiplication questions against the clock. The test will last no longer than 5 minutes, however, children will only have 6 seconds to answer each question in a series of 25.

The quick recall of multiplication and division facts (times tables) is essential for all children. The ability to recall these facts quickly enables children to answer related questions with ease.

According to the new National Curriculum 2014 the expectation of times tables in each Year Group is as follows:

Year 2: 2x, 5x, 10x

Year 3: 3x, 4x, 8x

Year 4: 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x, 12x

Year 5: All x and ÷ facts (12x12)

Year 6: All x and ÷ facts (12x12) and related language/symbols e.g. % and square root


In Class 3 to readily prepare your children for this test we use Multiplication Olympics. Multiplication Olympic sessions are held every Friday, where your child has just 4 minutes to complete their sheet. Each child is rewarded with a certificate when they achieve their next level.

Multiplication Olympics is split into 7 podium levels and your child must complete their sheet with 100% accuracy on 3 occasions, before moving up to the next podium and receiving a special medal. Below is a breakdown of all of the podiums.


Finalist Level - We know our 2, 5 and 10 times table and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in four minutes.


Bronze Level - We know our 3 & 4 times tables and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in four minutes


Silver Level - We know our 6 & 8 times tables and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in four minutes
(Should be near to completing this level by the end of Year 3)


Gold Level - We know our 7 & 9 times table and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in four minutes


European Level - We know our 11, 12 times table and can recall a selection of multiplication and division questions in four minutes.


Olympic Level - We know our tables up to the 12 times table and can recall 100 multiplication and division questions in four minutes.
(Should be completed by the end of Year 4)


These podium sheets are now available below for your child to practise as regularly as possibly. Your child will be aware of what level they are currently on. Children should be aiming to complete

Silver Level by the end of Year 3 and Olympic Level by the end of Year 4.


Please note - these tests are designed to test times tables knowledge, rather than to teach it. There are many ways in which children can learn times tables - for example: playing games, quick-fire questions from an adult, chanting tables, writing the tables out and using songs, websites or apps (we highly recommend the app Times Tables Rock Stars). We also have a regular/weekly slot in Class 3’s timetable where we teach times tables.


Have a trial yourself on https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/ to experience what the test will be like for your child.


If you require any further help or advice, don’t hesitate to speak to us.

Class 3 - Multiplication Olympics


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