October half term science homework

Due date: 05.10.2024

Here in Class 2 the children have been learning all about living things and their habitats. 

We've been looking at lots of different animals and their habitats, as well as delving deeper into comparing biomes and microhabitats found all around the world.

It would be really wonderful over the half term if you could work with, or alongside, your children to create their very own biome/habitat.

There's no need to buy anything for it! Just use what ever you can find in your home and be as creative as possible.

Whilst you're constructing your biome/habitat, ask your children all about what they've been learning. Trust me... they're all experts on the subject by now!

I can't wait to see what you all create together.


Activities for Reading

  • At least 10 minutes of daily reading (this should be recorded in homework diaries).  For depth of understanding and increased fluency, we actively encourage you to re-read a book several times, asking questions to check your child's comprehension of what they are reading. 

Activities for Spelling

  • Practise your child’s weekly spelling list, which can be found in the Monster Phonics spelling book both verbally and in written forms.


Activities for Maths

  • Use the Doodlemaths app weekly to encourage your child to practise the key skills in numeracy.  
  • Use Education City and find a game based on a topic your child is unsure of or have worked on in class that week to build on their understanding.
  • Use mathematical language in daily life. Discuss prices at the shops, measurements when baking, the time etc. 


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