The School Day

Start of the day

AM: School gates are open from 8.43am and are closed at 8:55am.

All children should be in school for registration by 8.55am.

Lessons begin promptly after registration.


Break time 1 - 10.00am until 10.20am.

Lunch time - 12.00pm until 1.15pm - Class 1

Lunch time - 12.10pm until 1.15pm - Class 2

       Lunch time - 12.15pm until 1.15pm - Class 3 & 4

We finish our school day with an act of Worship which takes place at 2.45pm until 3.05pm.

End of the day

PM: Gates open from 3:10pm, collection is at 3.15pm for all children.

All children to be collected from the playground.

We ask parents to inform the school on the first day of absence of a pupil, before the start of the school day.


Requests for holiday absence out of term time can no longer be granted by the Headteacher unless under exceptional circumstances. This should be made on a form available from the school office (we do not encourage this as it effects your child’s learning). Parents will be informed by letter if the school is able to authorise an absence.


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