Class 4 is made up of Years 5 and 6 and is taught by Mr Davies, Mrs Chell and Mrs Grant.

Welcome to a new school year! We hope you all had a wonderful Summer break. This term, we have lots of exciting learning planned. You can see more details of this and other learning we have planned by viewing our Class 4 knowledge Mats and  Long Term Plans below. You can also see our "Reading Spine" for this academic year which shows the texts we will be studying.


Wild Walkers - If you would like your child to be a ‘Wild Walker’, please write a note in their diary confirming your permission and giving the days that they will be walking home alone on.

Homework  Homework is given out on a Thursday and is expected in the following Thursday.

Spelling - Spellings are given out on a Monday and pupils will be tested on the following Monday

Water Bottle - Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle in school. These will be sent home every Friday to be washed and should be returned on Monday.

Labelled Clothing - Please ensure your child's school clothing (jumpers, trousers, PE kits and shoes) are clearly labelled with their forename and surname.

PE - PE will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so please make sure your child has their P.E kit in school on these days.

Class 4 Long Term Plans Cycle A

Class 4 - Autumn Term - Knowledge Mats (cycle A)

Class 4 - Spring Term - Knowledge Mats (cycle A)

Class 4 - Summer Term - Knowledge Mats (cycle A)

Class 4 - Reading Spine (Cycle A)






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