16 January 2023

A special Monster Phonics Delivery this morning!
We have been sent some very special guests to support our phonics learning in Class 1. All of the monsters from Monster Phonics land as cuddly teddies! We were very excited!
They arrived in a special box that had instructions on how to look after them and that they will sometimes go back to visit Monster Phonics Land. Their letter said that they loved to have stories read to them so the children decided to read their matching monster book to their monster teddy. They then created a wonderful loose parts village for the Monsters making houses out of their matching book! The children also made matching masks to the Monsters.
Class 1 are going to take good care of our new guests and we can't wait to learn more about each Monster in Monster Phonics Land with our new cuddly monsters
Posted by R Heath
Category: Class 1