10 March 2025

As part of British Science Week and linked to our topic Minibeasts Class 1 made a Wormery. This week Class 1 have been listening to the book 'Yucky Worms' and have found out so many facts about worms. We have been exploring all things worms and decided to create and observe real worms ourselves by creating a wormery.
The children followed the ideas in the text for how to find worms and we sprinkled some water on the soil and carefuly dug around. We found lots of worms of all shapes and sizes. We filled a container with layers of sand and soil and added our worms, putting leaves and fruit peels on the top, before adding our worms.
We will.observe the worms over the next week to see if anything happens to the soil and sand in the container.
Posted by R Heath
Category: Class 1 Outdoor Classroom Blog