21 June 2024

Image of We are all different and that’s great!

Wow, what a lovely RE session we have had today in Class 1. We have been continuing to think about how we are all special, unique and important and today we explored what makes us all different and unique.


All the children shared their ideas how we are all different and Mrs Philp wrote them on the whiteboard. We also talked about how these differences are great as they are what makes us all so special, unique and important.  We also talked about how we should not feel sad that we are different and how we should not make other people feel sad about being different from us.


Finally, we shared some photos of our families and talked about who is in our family. We loved hearing about our friends talking about their families and sharing our families with our friends.  It was great to see how different all our fantastic families are! 


We are all different!


Posted by R Heath

Category: Class 1

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