16 November 2023

Image of Tyre Park Subitising Hide and Seek

Today in maths, Class 1 were exploring and practising our subitising skills for numbers 4 and 5. We practised in class subitising different representation patterns for 4 and 5 and then we went outside to our tyre park.

Mrs Philp gave everyone a small circle with a dot pattern on and the children used their subitising skills to work out how many dots their circle had on it. The children then had to go and hunt around the tyre park area to find the plate with the matching dot pattern on. All the children used their subitising skills brilliantly and at times their counting skills to check. Fantastic number work Class 1.


As an extra challenge, Mrs Philp then re-hid the plates and asked some children to see if they could find a plate with the same number of dots but in a different pattern. This was a little bit trickier but all children worked carefully to find a matching number dot plate with a different dot pattern on - amazing Class 1!


Posted by R Heath

Category: Class 1 Outdoor Classroom Blog

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