15 September 2023

What a busy morning we have had in Class 1!

We have been thinking about ourselves and our families this week and the children have talked about who is in their families and why they love their families.  On the maths table today, we have been thinking about how old we all are and then chosen the correct number to show our age. We then added the correct number of candles to our birthday cakes. 

In our outside area today, the children were incredibly active, either climbing, jumping or using different small ball activities. Lots of children worked hard to perfecting their catching skills with the balls and cups. They were all ‘Persevering Parrots’ and tried really hard as it’s quite tricky to catch the ball in the cup. Some children built a hurdle course so we had fun either running or jumping over the hurdles and others showed their brilliant climbing skills.

We were also set a secret creative mission by Miss Jarrett - we were asked to paint one hand yellow and make a hand print but we’re not sure what it’s for. We’re going to be detectives to see if we can work out what Miss Jarrett needs our hand prints for! We will keep you posted! 

After such a busy morning, all the children were incredibly hungry and really enjoyed their lunches!
I wonder what we will achieve this afternoon! 

Posted by R Heath

Category: Class 1

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