18 April 2023

Today in PHSE, we had class discussions about how to help others to get help if they need it. We spoke about how we can tell if somebody needs our help and how we can help someone find help for themselves.
The children thought of some brilliant ways to help another person who needs help such as:
Listen to what they have to say and tell them their not alone
Tell them to talk to trusted adults such as parents, carers and teachers
Be kind and patient
We then went onto having an important discussion about getting help online if someone asks to meet you. We all agreed to never meet anyone from offline games who you don’t know, and the importance of telling a trusted grown up if anyone is ever asked to.
We finished our PHSE session by ‘starting a chat’ We got to know someone who we don’t know so well in our class by asking some friendly questions.
Posted by G Duffy
Category: Class 3