17 February 2023

Throughout this term our RE topic has been about Special Stories. We have found out that stories that are special for Christians are in the bible and help Christians know how to live and follow God. We have read different parables from the bible and thought about the lesson Jesus was teaching through each parable.
Today, we found out that in the Islamic faith, there is a special book called the Qur’an, which is full of stories that help teach Muslim people how to look after the world and all that is in it. We heard the story of The Tiny Ants, which teaches Muslims to care for all creatures in the world. The children then shared their ideas as to how we can care for the animals in our world and we decided we would like to create a bug hotel for the small creatures in our school grounds.
The children all had great fun finding all the different type of natural resources we needed and then worked brilliantly with their friends to create a section for our bug hotel. Once we had made each section, the children decided on a suitable shaded spot for our bug hotel to go. Hopefully some bugs will come and visit our hotel soon!
Posted by R Heath
Category: Class 1 Outdoor Classroom Blog